Source code for timelinelib.config.dateformatparser

# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  Rickard Lindberg, Roger Lindberg
# This file is part of Timeline.
# Timeline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Timeline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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The DateFormatParser is used define how a date string shall be parsed, given a pattern
describing the date format.

The date format string shall contain three regions (YEAR, MONTH, DAY) with two region
separators in between.

:doc:`Tests are found here <unit_config_dateformatparser>`.

from timelinelib.calendar.gregorian.dateformatter import GregorianDateFormatter

YEAR = GregorianDateFormatter.YEAR
MONTH = GregorianDateFormatter.MONTH
DAY = GregorianDateFormatter.DAY
ERROR_TEXT = _("""\
Invalid Date Format:

The format should contain
    one year placeholder  = yyyy
    one month placeholder = mmm or mm
    one day placeholder   = dd
    two placeholders for separators between year, month and day

Separators can't contain the letters y, m or d

Example of valid formats:

[docs]class DateFormatParser: """ """
[docs] def get_error_text(self): """Returns a text that describes how a valid date format string shall be constructed.""" return ERROR_TEXT
[docs] def is_valid(self, date_format): """Return True if the given date_format is a valid format.""" try: self.parse(date_format) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def parse(self, date_format): """Parse the date format string, and retrieve region information.""" self.regions = self._to_regions(date_format) return self
[docs] def get_separators(self): """Return a 2 item tuple with the region separators.""" return self.regions[1][REGION_SEPARATOR], self.regions[2][REGION_SEPARATOR]
[docs] def get_region_order(self): """Return the index of the year, mont and day region orders.""" return self._get_region_type_index(YEAR), self._get_region_type_index(MONTH), self._get_region_type_index(DAY)
[docs] def use_abbreviated_month_names(self): """ If the length of the MONTH region contains 3 characters abbreviated month names shall be used. """ for i in range(len(self.regions)): if self.regions[i][REGION_TYPE] == MONTH: return self.regions[i][REGION_LENGTH] == 3 return False
def _get_region_type_index(self, region_type): for i in range(len(self.regions)): if self.regions[i][REGION_TYPE] == region_type: return i def _to_regions(self, date_format): fmt = date_format.lower() self._assert_leading_char_is_a_date_placeholder(date_format) self._assert_trailing_char_is_a_date_placeholder(date_format) fmt, regions = self._get_regions(fmt, date_format) self._get_separators_placeholders(fmt, regions) return regions def _assert_leading_char_is_a_date_placeholder(self, date_format): if date_format[0] not in ("y", "m", "d"): raise ValueError() def _assert_trailing_char_is_a_date_placeholder(self, date_format): if date_format[-1] not in ("y", "m", "d"): raise ValueError() def _get_separators_placeholders(self, fmt, regions): separator1_length = regions[1][REGION_START_POS] - regions[0][REGION_LENGTH] regions[1][REGION_SEPARATOR] = fmt[:separator1_length] regions[2][REGION_SEPARATOR] = fmt[separator1_length:] def _get_regions(self, fmt, date_format): def getKey(item): return item[0] fmt, region0 = self._get_and_remove_year_region(fmt, date_format) fmt, region1 = self._get_and_remove_month_region(fmt, date_format) fmt, region2 = self._get_and_remove_day_region(fmt, date_format) regions = [region0, region1, region2] if "y" in fmt or "m" in fmt or "d" in fmt: raise ValueError() regions.sort(key=getKey) return fmt, regions def _get_and_remove_year_region(self, fmt, date_format): return self._get_and_remove_region(fmt, date_format, "yyyy", YEAR) def _get_and_remove_month_region(self, fmt, date_format): if "mmm" in fmt: return self._get_and_remove_region(fmt, date_format, "mmm", MONTH) elif "mm" in fmt: return self._get_and_remove_region(fmt, date_format, "mm", MONTH) else: raise ValueError() def _get_and_remove_day_region(self, fmt, date_format): return self._get_and_remove_region(fmt, date_format, "dd", DAY) def _get_and_remove_region(self, fmt, date_format, placeholder, region_type): if placeholder in fmt: fmt = fmt.replace(placeholder, "", 1) index = date_format.lower().index(placeholder) return fmt, [index, len(placeholder), "", region_type] else: raise ValueError()