Source code for timelinelib.config.shortcut

# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  Rickard Lindberg, Roger Lindberg
# This file is part of Timeline.
# Timeline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Timeline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Timeline.  If not, see <>.

Naming and other conventions:
All data needed for configuration of shortcuts are collected in metadata
objects wich are of type Metadata.
The text in a menu item to the right of the \t character is called shortcut.
Examples of shortcuts: Ctrl+N, PgUp, Shift+Ctrl+X
The shortcut, if it exists, consists of an optional modifier and a shortcut
key. So the format of a shortcut is: [modifier +] shortcut_key.
The text in a menu item describing the action is called function.
wxid is the ID associated with the menu item.
cfgid is the ID used in the configuration file associated with a shortcut.

import timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.menus as mid

[docs]class Metadata:
[docs] def __init__(self, wxid, cfgid, function, modifier, key): self.wxid = wxid self.cfgid = cfgid self.function = function self.modifier = modifier self.key = key
SHIFT_CTRL_MODIFIER = "Shift+Ctrl" CTRL_MODIFIER = "Ctrl" ALT_MODIFIER = "Alt" NO_MODIFIER = "" LABEL = "%s->%%s" LABEL_FILE = LABEL % _("File") LABEL_EDIT = LABEL % _("Edit") LABEL_VIEW = LABEL % _("View") LABEL_TIMELINE = LABEL % _("Timeline") LABEL_NAVIGATE = LABEL % _("Navigate") LABEL_HELP = LABEL % _("Help") NAVLABEL = "%s(%s)->%%s" LABEL_NAVIGATE_TIME = NAVLABEL % (_("Navigate"), "tm") LABEL_NAVIGATE_NUM = NAVLABEL % (_("Navigate"), "num") METADATA = [ # File Metadata(mid.ID_OPEN, "shortcut_file_open", LABEL_FILE % _("Open..."), CTRL_MODIFIER, "O"), Metadata(mid.ID_NEW, "shortcut_file_new", LABEL_FILE % _("New..."), CTRL_MODIFIER, "N"), Metadata(mid.ID_SAVEAS, "shortcut_save_as", LABEL_FILE % _("Save As..."), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_IMPORT, "shortcut_import", LABEL_FILE % _("Import..."), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EXPORT, "shortcut_export", LABEL_FILE % _("Export Current view to Image..."), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EXPORT_ALL, "shortcut_export_all", LABEL_FILE % _("Export Whole Timeline to Images..."), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EXPORT_SVG, "shortcut_export_svg", LABEL_FILE % _("Export to SVG..."), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EXIT, "shortcut_exit", LABEL_FILE % _("Exit"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), # Edit Metadata(mid.ID_FIND, "shortcut_find", LABEL_EDIT % _("Find"), CTRL_MODIFIER, "F"), Metadata(mid.ID_FIND_MILESTONES, "shortcut_find_milestones", LABEL_EDIT % _("Find Milestones"), SHIFT_CTRL_MODIFIER, "M"), Metadata(mid.ID_SELECT_ALL, "shortcut_selectall", LABEL_EDIT % _("Select All Events"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_PREFERENCES, "shortcut_preferences", LABEL_EDIT % _("Preferences"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EDIT_SHORTCUTS, "shortcut_shortcuts", LABEL_EDIT % _("Shortcuts"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), # View Metadata(mid.ID_SIDEBAR, "shortcut_sidebar", LABEL_VIEW % _("Sidebar"), CTRL_MODIFIER, "I"), Metadata(mid.ID_LEGEND, "shortcut_legend", LABEL_VIEW % _("Legend"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_BALLOONS, "shortcut_ballons", LABEL_VIEW % _("Balloons on hover"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_ZOOMIN, "shortcut_zoomin", LABEL_VIEW % _("Zoom In"), CTRL_MODIFIER, "+"), Metadata(mid.ID_ZOOMOUT, "shortcut_zoomout", LABEL_VIEW % _("Zoom Out"), CTRL_MODIFIER, "-"), Metadata(mid.ID_VERT_ZOOMIN, "shortcut_vertical_zoomin", LABEL_VIEW % _("Vertical Zoom In"), ALT_MODIFIER, "+"), Metadata(mid.ID_VERT_ZOOMOUT, "shortcut_vertical_zoomout", LABEL_VIEW % _("Vertical Zoom Out"), ALT_MODIFIER, "-"), Metadata(mid.ID_PRESENTATION, "shortcut_slideshow", LABEL_VIEW % _("Start slide show"), ALT_MODIFIER, "-"), # Timeline Metadata(mid.ID_CREATE_EVENT, "shortcut_create_event", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Create Event"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_EDIT_EVENT, "shortcut_edit_event", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Edit Selected Event"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_DUPLICATE_EVENT, "shortcut_duplicate_event", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Duplicate Selected Event"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_SET_CATEGORY_ON_SELECTED, "shortcut_set_category_on_selected", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Set Category on Selected Events"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_MEASURE_DISTANCE, "shortcut_measure_distance", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Measure Distance between two Events"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_SET_CATEGORY_ON_WITHOUT, "shortcut_set_category_on_without", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Set Category on events without category"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_SET_READONLY, "shortcut_set_readonly", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Read Only"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_UNDO, "shortcut_undo", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Undo"), CTRL_MODIFIER, "Z"), Metadata(mid.ID_REDO, "shortcut_redo", LABEL_TIMELINE % _("Redo"), ALT_MODIFIER, "Z"), # Help Metadata(mid.ID_HELP, "shortcut_help_content", LABEL_HELP % _("Contents"), NO_MODIFIER, "F1"), Metadata(mid.ID_TUTORIAL, "shortcut_tutorial", LABEL_HELP % _("Getting started tutorial"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_FEEDBACK, "shortcut_feedback", LABEL_HELP % _("Give Feedback"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_CONTACT, "shortcut_contact", LABEL_HELP % _("Contact"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_ABOUT, "shortcut_about", LABEL_HELP % _("About"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), # Navigate Metadata(mid.ID_FIND_FIRST, "shortcut_find_first_event", LABEL_NAVIGATE % _("Find First Event"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_FIND_LAST, "shortcut_find_last_event", LABEL_NAVIGATE % _("Find Last Event"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), Metadata(mid.ID_FIT_ALL, "shortcut_find_all_events", LABEL_NAVIGATE % _("Find All Events"), NO_MODIFIER, ""), ] FUNCTION_KEYS = ["PgDn", "PgUp", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9"] SHORTCUT_KEYS = ["", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "-", ] + FUNCTION_KEYS NON_EMPTY_MODIFIERS = ["Ctrl", "Alt", "Shift+Ctrl", "Shift+Alt", "Alt+Ctrl", "Shift+Alt+Ctrl"] MODIFIERS = ["", ] + NON_EMPTY_MODIFIERS
[docs]class ShortcutController:
[docs] def __init__(self, shortcut_config): self._shortcut_items = {} self.shortcut_config = shortcut_config self.load_config_settings()
[docs] def add_shortcut_item(self, key, item): self._shortcut_items[key] = item
[docs] def load_config_settings(self): for metadata in METADATA: self._load_config_setting(metadata)
[docs] def get_functions(self): return [metadata.function for metadata in METADATA]
[docs] def get_modifiers(self): return MODIFIERS
[docs] def get_shortcuts(self): return SHORTCUT_KEYS
[docs] def get_function(self, shortcut): for metadata in METADATA: if self._shortcut_from_metadata(metadata) == shortcut: return metadata.function
[docs] def get_modifier_and_key(self, function): for metadata in METADATA: if metadata.function == function: return metadata.modifier, metadata.key
[docs] def is_valid(self, modifier, shortcut_key): if modifier == "": return shortcut_key in [""] + FUNCTION_KEYS else: return modifier in MODIFIERS and shortcut_key in SHORTCUT_KEYS[1:]
[docs] def exists(self, shortcut, wxid=None, function=None): return shortcut in [self._shortcut_from_metadata(metadata) for metadata in METADATA if self._shortcut_from_metadata(metadata) != "" and metadata.wxid != wxid and metadata.function != function]
[docs] def wxid_exists(self, wxid): return wxid in [shortcut.wxid for shortcut in METADATA]
[docs] def is_function_key(self, shortcut): return shortcut in FUNCTION_KEYS
[docs] def add_navigation_functions(self): self._add_time_navigation_functions() self._add_numeric_navigation_functions()
[docs] def edit(self, function, new_shortcut): for metadata in METADATA: if metadata.function == function: try: self._edit(metadata.wxid, new_shortcut, self._shortcut_items[metadata.wxid]) except KeyError: pass
# # Internals # def _add_time_navigation_functions(self): self._add_navigation_functions(0, LABEL_NAVIGATE_TIME) def _add_numeric_navigation_functions(self): self._add_navigation_functions(100, LABEL_NAVIGATE_NUM) def _add_navigation_functions(self, id_offset, function_format): try: pos = id_offset while True: wxid = mid.ID_NAVIGATE + pos if not self.wxid_exists(wxid): self._add_navigation_function(wxid, function_format) else: self._set_menuitem_shortcut(wxid) pos += 1 except KeyError: # We will end up here when there are no more navigation functions pass def _add_navigation_function(self, wxid, function_format): function = self._get_function_from_menuitem(wxid) modifier, shortcut_key = self._get_modifier_and_key_from_menuitem(wxid) metadata = Metadata(wxid, "shortcut_navigate_%s" % str(wxid), function_format % function, modifier, shortcut_key) METADATA.append(metadata) self._load_config_setting(metadata) def _get_function_from_menuitem(self, wxid): menu_item = self._shortcut_items[wxid] label = menu_item.GetItemLabel() function = label.split("\t")[0] function = function.replace("&", "") return function def _get_modifier_and_key_from_menuitem(self, wxid): menu_item = self._shortcut_items[wxid] label = menu_item.GetItemLabel() try: shortcut = label.split("\t")[1] try: modifier, shortcut_key = shortcut.split("+") except: modifier, shortcut_key = ("", shortcut) except: modifier, shortcut_key = ("", "") if shortcut_key not in SHORTCUT_KEYS: modifier, shortcut_key = ("", "") return modifier, shortcut_key def _load_config_setting(self, metadata): shortcut = self._shortcut_from_metadata(metadata) shortcut = self.shortcut_config.get_shortcut_key(metadata.cfgid, shortcut) self.edit(metadata.function, shortcut) def _edit(self, wxid, new_shortcut, menu_item): if new_shortcut == "": new_shortcut = "+" if self._valid(new_shortcut, wxid): for metadata in METADATA: if metadata.wxid == wxid: self._edit_shortcut(metadata, new_shortcut, menu_item) break def _valid(self, shortcut, wxid): if shortcut == "+": return True return not self.exists(shortcut, wxid) def _edit_shortcut(self, metadata, new_shortcut, menu_item): try: metadata.modifier, metadata.key = new_shortcut.rsplit("+", 1) except: metadata.modifier, metadata.key = ("", new_shortcut) self.shortcut_config.set_shortcut_key(metadata.cfgid, new_shortcut) self._set_menuitem_label(menu_item, new_shortcut) def _set_menuitem_label(self, menu_item, new_shortcut): label = menu_item.GetItemLabel() prefix = label.split("\t")[0] if new_shortcut in ("", "+"): new_label = prefix else: new_label = "%s\t%s" % (prefix, new_shortcut) menu_item.SetItemLabel(new_label) def _shortcut_from_metadata(self, metadata): if metadata.modifier != "": return "%s+%s" % (metadata.modifier, metadata.key) else: return metadata.key def _set_menuitem_shortcut(self, wxid): menu_item = self._shortcut_items[wxid] for metadata in METADATA: if metadata.wxid == wxid: shortcut_key = self._shortcut_from_metadata(metadata) self._set_menuitem_label(menu_item, shortcut_key) break