Source code for timelinelib.plugin.plugins.exporters.timelineexporter

# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  Rickard Lindberg, Roger Lindberg
# This file is part of Timeline.
# Timeline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Timeline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Timeline.  If not, see <>.

import os.path

import wx

from timelinelib.plugin.plugins.exporters import EXPORTER
from timelinelib.plugin.pluginbase import PluginBase
from timelinelib.wxgui.dialogs.export.controller import CSV_FILE
from timelinelib.wxgui.dialogs.export.view import ExportDialog
from timelinelib.wxgui.utils import _ask_question
from timelinelib.wxgui.utils import WildcardHelper

[docs]class TimelineExporter(PluginBase):
[docs] def service(self): return EXPORTER
[docs] def display_name(self): return _("Export Timeline to File...")
[docs] def wxid(self): from timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.menus import ID_EXPORT_FILE return ID_EXPORT_FILE
[docs] def run(self, main_frame): self.timeline = main_frame.timeline dlg = ExportDialog(main_frame) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.export_timeline(dlg, main_frame) dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def export_timeline(self, dlg, main_frame): path, _ = get_path(main_frame) if path is not None and overwrite_existing_path(main_frame, path): if dlg.GetExportType() == CSV_FILE: CsvExporter(self.timeline, path, dlg).export()
[docs]class CsvExporter:
[docs] def __init__(self, timeline, path, dlg): self.path = path self.timeline = timeline self.text_encoding = dlg.GetTextEncoding() self.encoding_error_strategy = dlg.GetTextEncodingErrorStrategy() self.export_events = dlg.GetExportEvents() self.export_categories = dlg.GetExportCategories() self.event_fields = dlg.GetEventFields() self.category_fields = dlg.GetCategoryFields()
[docs] def export(self): with open(self.path, "wb") as f: self._write_events(f, self.event_fields) self._write_categories(f, self.category_fields)
def _write_events(self, f, event_fields): if self.export_events: self._write_label(f, _("Events")) self._write_heading(f, event_fields) self._write_events_fields(f, event_fields) def _write_categories(self, f, category_fields): if self.export_categories: self._write_label(f, _("Categories")) self._write_heading(f, category_fields) self._write_categories_fields(f, category_fields) def _write_label(self, f, text): self._write_encoded_text(f, text) self._write(f, "\n") def _write_heading(self, f, fields): for field in fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, field) self._write(f, "\n") def _write_events_fields(self, f, event_fields): for event in self.timeline.get_all_events(): self._write_event(f, event, event_fields) self._write(f, "\n") def _write_categories_fields(self, f, category_fields): for category in self.timeline.get_categories(): self._write_category(f, category, category_fields) def _write_event(self, f, event, event_fields): if _("Text") in event_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, event.get_text()) if _("Description") in event_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, self._get_event_description(event)) if _("Labels") in event_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, self._get_event_labels(event)) if _("Start") in event_fields: self._write_time_value(f, event.get_time_period().start_time) if _("End") in event_fields: self._write_time_value(f, event.get_time_period().end_time) if _("Category") in event_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, self._get_event_category(event)) if _("Fuzzy Start") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.fuzzy_start) if _("Fuzzy End") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.fuzzy_end) if _("Locked") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.get_locked()) if _("Ends Today") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.get_ends_today()) if _("Hyperlink") in event_fields: self._write(f, "%s;" % event.get_hyperlink()) if _("Progress") in event_fields: self._write(f, "%s;" % event.get_progress()) if _("Progress Color") in event_fields: self._write_color_value(f, event.get_progress_color()) if _("Done Color") in event_fields: self._write_color_value(f, event.get_done_color()) if _("Alert") in event_fields: self._write(f, "%s;" % self._get_alert_string(event.get_alert())) if _("Is Container") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.is_container()) if _("Is Subevent") in event_fields: self._write_boolean_value(f, event.is_subevent()) self._write(f, "\n") def _write_category(self, f, category, category_fields): if _("Name") in category_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, category.get_name()) if _("Color") in category_fields: self._write_color_value(f, category.get_color()) if _("Progress Color") in category_fields: self._write_color_value(f, category.get_progress_color()) if _("Done Color") in category_fields: self._write_color_value(f, category.get_done_color()) if _("Parent") in category_fields: self._write_encoded_text(f, self._get_parent(category)) self._write(f, "\n") def _get_event_description(self, event): if event.get_description() is not None: return event.get_description() else: return "" def _get_event_labels(self, event): if event.get_labels() is not None: return event.get_labels() else: return "" def _get_event_category(self, event): if event.get_category() is not None: return event.get_category().get_name() else: return "" def _get_parent(self, category): if category._get_parent(): return category._get_parent().get_name() def _get_category_parent(self, cat): if cat._get_parent() is not None: return cat._get_parent().get_name() else: return "" def _get_time_string(self, time_value): return self.timeline.get_time_type().time_string(time_value) def _get_alert_string(self, alert): if alert: time, text = alert return "%s %s" % (self._get_time_string(time), text) else: return "" def _write_encoded_text(self, f, text): if text is not None: text = text.replace('"', '""') self._write(f, "\"%s\";" % text) def _write_time_value(self, f, time_value): self._write(f, "%s;" % self.timeline.get_time_type().time_string(time_value)) def _write_color_value(self, f, color): self._write(f, "(%d, %d, %d);" % color) def _write_boolean_value(self, f, value): self._write(f, "%s;" % value) def _write(self, f, text): f.write(text.encode(self.text_encoding, self.encoding_error_strategy))
[docs]def get_path(main_frame): image_type = None path = None file_info = _("export files") file_types = [("csv", "")] images_wildcard_helper = WildcardHelper(file_info, file_types) wildcard = images_wildcard_helper.wildcard_string() dialog = wx.FileDialog(main_frame, message=_("Export"), wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.FD_SAVE) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = images_wildcard_helper.get_path(dialog) image_type = images_wildcard_helper.get_extension_data(path) dialog.Destroy() return path, image_type
[docs]def overwrite_existing_path(main_frame, path): if os.path.exists(path): overwrite_question = _("File '%s' exists. Overwrite?") % path return _ask_question(overwrite_question, main_frame) == wx.YES return True