Source code for timelinelib.test.cases.drawers

# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  Rickard Lindberg, Roger Lindberg
# This file is part of Timeline.
# Timeline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Timeline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Timeline.  If not, see <>.

import unittest

from timelinelib.test.cases.wxapp import WxAppTestCase


[docs]class describe_drawers(WxAppTestCase):
[docs] def create_scene(self, width, height, divider_y): return Scene(width, height, divider_y)
[docs] def create_dc(self): return Dc()
[docs] def install_gettext(self): import gettext from timelinelib.config.paths import LOCALE_DIR from timelinelib.meta.about import APPLICATION_NAME gettext.install(APPLICATION_NAME.lower(), LOCALE_DIR, unicode=True)
[docs]class Dc:
[docs] def __init__(self): self._set_pen_call_count = 0 self._set_draw_line_call_count = 0 self._set_draw_text_call_count = 0 self._font = None self._text_foreground = None self._text = None self._text_x = None self._text_y = None
@property def pen_call_count(self): return self._set_pen_call_count @property def draw_line_call_count(self): return self._set_draw_line_call_count @property def draw_text_call_count(self): return self._set_draw_text_call_count @property def x1(self): return self._x1 @property def y1(self): return self._y1 @property def x2(self): return self._x2 @property def y2(self): return self._y2 @property def font(self): return self._font @property def text_foreground(self): return self._text_foreground @property def text(self): return self._text @property def text_x(self): return self._text_x @property def text_y(self): return self._text_y
[docs] def SetPen(self, pen): self._set_pen_call_count += 1
[docs] def SetTextForeground(self, color): self._text_foreground = color
[docs] def DrawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): self._x1 = x1 self._y1 = y1 self._x2 = x2 self._y2 = y2 self._set_draw_line_call_count += 1
[docs] def DrawText(self, text, x, y): self._text = text self._text_x = x self._text_y = y self._set_draw_text_call_count += 1
[docs] def GetTextExtent(self, text): return TEXT_WIDTH, TEXT_HEIGHT
[docs] def SetFont(self, font): self._font = font
[docs]class Scene:
[docs] def __init__(self, width, height, divider_y): self._width = width self._height = height self._divider_y = divider_y
@property def width(self): return self._width @property def height(self): return self._height @property def divider_y(self): return self._divider_y
[docs] def x_pos_for_time(self, time): return 100
[docs] def minor_strip_is_day(self): return True
[docs]def install_gettext(): import gettext from timelinelib.config.paths import LOCALE_DIR from timelinelib.meta.about import APPLICATION_NAME gettext.install(APPLICATION_NAME.lower(), LOCALE_DIR, unicode=True)