Source code for unit.config.arguments

# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  Rickard Lindberg, Roger Lindberg
# This file is part of Timeline.
# Timeline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Timeline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Timeline.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import os

import wx

from timelinelib.test.cases.unit import UnitTestCase
from timelinelib.config.arguments import ApplicationArguments

STDERR = 'stderr.txt'

[docs]class Getter():
[docs] def GetUserConfigDir(self): return 'FooBar'
[docs]class SP():
[docs] def Get(self): return Getter()
[docs]class describe_application_arguments(UnitTestCase):
[docs] def test_app_has_default_config_path(self): """ """ try: sp = wx.StandardPaths wx.StandardPaths = SP() self.args = ApplicationArguments([]) self.assertEqual(os.path.join('FooBar', '.thetimelineproj.cfg'), self.args.config_file_path) finally: wx.StandardPaths = sp
[docs] def test_you_can_get_help(self): stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = open('test.tmp', 'w') self.args = ApplicationArguments(['-h'])"Expected SystemExit exception") except SystemExit: pass finally: sys.stdout = stdout with open('test.tmp', 'r') as f: self.assertTrue(len( > 0) os.remove('test.tmp')
[docs] def test_can_return_path_to_cofig_file_(self): """ """ self.args = ApplicationArguments(['-c', 'c:\\AppData\\.thetimelineproj.cfg']) self.assertEqual('c:\\AppData\\.thetimelineproj.cfg', self.args.config_file_path)
[docs] def test_debug_is_not_on_by_default(self): """ """ self.args = ApplicationArguments([]) self.assertFalse(self.args.debug_flag)
[docs] def test_debug_can_be_turned_on(self): """ """ self.args = ApplicationArguments(['--debug']) self.assertTrue(self.args.debug_flag)
[docs] def test_timeline_file_dont_have_to_be_specified_at_start(self): """ """ self.args = ApplicationArguments([]) self.assertFalse(self.args.has_files()) self.assertEqual([], self.args._get_files()) self.assertTrue(self.args.first_file is None)
[docs] def test_timeline_file_can_be_specified_at_start(self): """ """ FILE = 'test.timeline' self.args = ApplicationArguments([FILE, "FooBar"]) self.assertEqual(FILE, self.args.first_file)
[docs] def test_multiple_timeline_files_can_be_specified_at_start(self): """ """ FILE1 = 'test.timeline' FILE2 = 'FooBar' self.args = ApplicationArguments([FILE1, FILE2]) self.assertEqual([FILE1, FILE2], self.args._get_files())
[docs] def test_invalid_option_causes_system_exit(self): """ """ try: self.addCleanup(self.remove_stderr_file) e = sys.exit s = sys.stderr sys.exit = self.my_exit sys.stderr = open(STDERR, 'w') self.args = ApplicationArguments(['--invalid']) self.assertEqual(2, self.status) finally: sys.exit = e sys.stderr = s
[docs] def my_exit(self, status): self.status = status
[docs] def remove_stderr_file(self): if os.path.exists(STDERR): os.remove(STDERR)