module timelinelib.config.arguments

The ApplicationArguments class parses the command line arguments and options when the application is started.

If the application is started with:

python3 -h

a text will be displayed that describes valid arguments and valid options.

Tests are found here.

timelinelib.config.arguments.FILENAME_DOC = 'Arguments:\n\n filename: If given, should be the path to a timeline file or one of the following special values:\n * :tutorial:\n Creates a readonly Gregorian tutorial timeline \n * :numtutorial: \n Creates a readonly Numeric tutorial timeline \n * path to an .ics file \n Creates a readonly timeline from ics data\n * path to a directory \n Creates a readonly timeline with the directory content as events\n'
class timelinelib.config.arguments.PosOptionParser[source]

Bases: optparse.OptionParser

Extend OptionParser with the possibility to print a formatted epilog in the help output.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Init parent class


Extend the functionallity of the format_help() function.

class timelinelib.config.arguments.ApplicationArguments[source]

Bases: object

Parse and store the application arguments and options given on the command line when Timeline is started.


Create the command line parser and parse the arguments and options.

property config_file_path

Return the path to the timeline configuration file.

If the path is not given on the commandline the following path is returned:

wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetUserConfigDir() + “.thetimelineproj.cfg”

property first_file

Return the filename argument given on the command line or None if no filename was given.

property debug_flag

Return True/False depending on the --debug flag is used or not.


Return True/False depending on the existance of the filename argument