module timelinelib.features.installed.installedfeaturescontainers

timelinelib.features.installed.installedfeaturescontainers.DISPLAY_NAME = '&Containers'
timelinelib.features.installed.installedfeaturescontainers.DESCRIPTION = '\n Containers are a way to group events together.\n In a container events can not overlap, so if you add a new event to a container\n all other events are moved to give room for the new event. The same thing happens\n if you resize an event within the container.\n\n Have a look at this video for a demo.\n '
class timelinelib.features.installed.installedfeaturescontainers.InstalledFeatureContainers[source]

Bases: timelinelib.features.installed.installedfeature.InstalledFeature


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.