module timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.mainframe


alias of wx.lib.newevent.NewCommandEvent.<locals>._Event

timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.mainframe.EVT_CATS_VIEW_CHANGED = <wx.core.PyEventBinder object>

alias of wx.lib.newevent.NewCommandEvent.<locals>._Event

timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.mainframe.EVT_LABELS_CHANGED = <wx.core.PyEventBinder object>
class timelinelib.wxgui.frames.mainframe.mainframe.MainFrame[source]

Bases: wx._core.Frame

The application main frame window contains
  • menu

  • toolbar

  • main panel

  • status bar


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property config

The Config object, created by the main frame, that hold user settings stored in persistent storage.

property controller

The MainFrameController object , created by the main frame, containing the business logic for the MainFrame window (view).

property shortcut_controller

The ShortcutController object , created by the main frame, containing the shortcuts in the menus.

property menu_controller

The MenuController object , created by the main frame, containing menu operations.

property timeline

The MemoryDB object representing the data shown on the timeline. This object is passed in to the main frame through the function DisplayTimeline

property main_panel

The MainPanel object , created by the main frame, where the timeline and the sidebar is found.

property canvas

The TimelineCanvas object where the timeline is drawn. It is actually a property of the main_panel.

property view_properties

The ViewProperties object where the timeline is drawn. It is actually a property of the canvas object.


Render a new timeline.


Set the text in the first column of the status bar.


Set the text in the second column of the status bar.


Set the text in the third column of the status bar.


Enable/Disable menus depending on number of selected events.


Update the submenu that has a list of recent opened timeline files.


Updates the naivigation menu when a timeline with another timetype than the current timeline is opened.


Clean up at application exit.